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Astrology Charts
Computerized Astrology Charts Personalized Astrological Charts are the perfect gift - for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and a wonderful new-baby gift for the excited (and exhausted!) parents to read!
An interpretation of your natal birth chart runs 10-20 pages and tells you all about
yourself, your goals, your emotional outlook, career choices and general influences.
The Past Life Interpretation is based on the Edgar Cayce readings. The numbers at the
ends of the paragraphs are readings listings, researchable at the A.R.E. Institute in
Virginia Beach VA. This interpretation tells about past-life influences and
"lifetimes" spent in the realms of other planets. FASCINATING READING! $40.00
Both the natal and Cayce interpretations done at the same time, for the same person
Comparison Interpretation of any two people, any relationship. Figure out why you and
your significant other get along. Read about why you and your siblings don't. And don't
forget parents, children and friends. This report just goes to show why Astrology is so
"right on!" $35.00
One-page natal chart only, showing wheel and aspects, for your own interpretation $5.00
Comparative charts of two people, inner- and outer-wheel style (2 charts) $25.00
Transits for one year, with interpretation (please indicate starting date) $75.00
For all charts, please provide the following information: name, date of birth, time of birth and place of birth (town and state, and country, if applicable). To order an Astrological Interpretation, please send all pertinent information via email or call to place an order (973/838-6564). Charts and interpretations can either be picked up in the store or can be mailed (extra charge for postage). If you email your information, please call the store with your credit card information as charts will not be run without.